M7 Pro, much worth to buy than Roomba
M7 Pro, much worth to buy than Roomba
2021/01/28 16:30

Let me first state that I have owned 3, yes 3 Roombas over the past few years. Each time I've bought a new one I have hoped that it would be 'smarter' than the last. But each time i was disappointed , they all just bump around aimlessly and get stuck in the same room for the duration of the batteries. requiring add-on towers to guide them and block areas. What a ridiculous waste of money.


So I was blown away at how smart this little guy is. First run it mapped out the entire house ~2500 sq ft, wonderfully . It had some problems on some wood transitions between rooms but it backed off and went at them at an angle and cleared them. It got trapped a few times in some tight spaces but smartly un-wedged itself. Second run it expertly navigated around the perimeter based on it's last map , then methodically made offset parallel passes to clean every inch of the floor. Moved a chair, some furniture or a box that was on the floor after the last run? No problem, it knows and makes updates to it's map, and cleans these 'new' areas.


I can confidently know that this will vacuum my entire house without babysitting. Much more than i can say with my last 3 Roombas.


I have 2 dogs and 2 cats inside and you can image that I find tufts of fur , especially in these hot months at different places in the house...no problem..i just grab my phone, open the app and tell this guy to spot clean an area of my house on the map it made ....and bingo it goes right to it, cleans about a meter square around where the fur is and immediately goes back to the base to charge....


Just not happy about the mopping. Had to use stiffer wet mop to get everything up.


To be concise, If you are considering a Roomba, please save your money and buy this instead. You will not be disappointed definitely.

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