Suggestions for App connection for IOS Users
Suggestions for App connection for IOS Users
2021/01/28 17:15

Had a question about app connection. After contacting Proscenic customer service team, it turns out that I write incorrect wifi password, since Apple's automatic typing method will automatically add a space at the end of the word. So I must delete the trailing space.

Quick question. Is the app reporting the passwords to your service?

If this is a know issue, why no mark the field as password-input so iPhone keyboard does not do funny stuff? Or alternatively just trim the password string, while trying to connect.

Given that you use an ESP chip to provide WiFi and TCP/IP stack, why not use the Bluetooth capabilities to connect with the iPhone app, and setup WiFi? This would save users some time and hoops setting it up.

Best wishes and thank you for the awesome A8 air purifier.

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