A9 Air Purifier, all my family love it.
A9 Air Purifier, all my family love it.
Isaiah Sewell2021/03/04 15:27

Hey I recently bought this. This product really works. I have been using it for 9 days and today i took it out and shook the filter. Amazing, lots of dust particles were captured. I mainly bought it for my baby's room but now using it for all house.


The product itself is good, made out of high quality plastic. Very easy to use. In sleep mode it does not almost make any noise. The real-time PM2.5 index will be displayed on the screen of the machine so that you can better understand the air quality. It has three color code, green, yellow and Orange. Depending on the air quality color changes. We just got orange and yellow once when I burned the food I was cooking. Overall, all our family is happy with this air purifier, even thinking another one if it gets on sale.


Highly recommend!

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