Observed total vacuum issue
Observed total vacuum issue
Mike2021/05/23 10:13

I recently bought a Prosenic P10 and was impressed with the fit and finish, packaging, etc. After unpacking, and charging the battery, I put on the rug power head and did a small bit of vacuuming. While I was surprised at how much dirt accumulated in the somewhat small container, I thought I would see that the vacuum was at the nozzle and was somewhat surprised. It didn't appear that much. I took off the attachments, wondering who much might have been lost at each juncture until I got to the body vacuum intake and was again surprised it wasn't more (not having a vacuum guage handy) judging it against others like the portable B&D vacuum, which I fully expected it to be stronger, certainly on the top setting. So, I popped off the dirt container and noticed that the rectangular connection between the intake of the dirt container and the body had (not unexpectedly) a foam rubber gasket. On mine, the section toward the body intake was not well placed and there was effectively an air leak there. The fact that this vacuum came brand new with the gasket misplaced alerts me to the possiblilty my vacuum is not the only one. Perhaps this has already been addressed, likely with a redesigned gasket, preferably silicone, with proper dimensions. If not, I suggest Prosenic designers look into it. Losing vacuum in a device which touts it's vacuum capability is not a place to scrimp. And, Prosenic community members should also be aware of the possibility of a misplaced dirt container to body gasket. 

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