A Complete Review of iRobot Roomba i7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - Is It Worth Buying?
A Complete Review of iRobot Roomba i7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - Is It Worth Buying?
Rowe19882022/01/27 09:20

Cleaning is one of those tedious chores. But no one likes dirty surroundings, which means you cannot run away from this chore. Luckily, robot vacuum cleaners save you an enormous amount of time.


Among the top choice robot vacuum cleaners is the iRobot Roomba i7 Robot Vacuum.


Perhaps you may be wondering if this appliance is worth buying. That is where we come in. Below we will review the iRobot Roomba i7. Without further ado, let's get to it!


We'll discuss;

  1. Why Should You Consider Buying a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

1.1 Sensors

1.2 Low Maintenance

1.3 Auto-emptying

1.4 Auto-switch

1.5 Ease of Use

1.6 Operate With Smartphone

  1. Things to Look For In a Good Robot Vacuum Cleaner

2.1 Budget

2.2 Noise Making

2.3 Floor Type

  1. A Complete Review of the iRobot I7 Roomba Vacuum Cleaner

3.1 Design

3.2 Pros and Cons

3.3 Accessories & Parts

3.4 Maintenance

3.5 Review

3.6 Price

  1. Is the iRobot Roomba I7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Worth Buying?
  2. Conclusion


Why Should You Consider Buying a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?




A robot vacuum cleaner, or Roomba as others may call it (as a generic trademark), is a smart home vacuum cleaner. It has sensors and robotic drives with cleaning routines and programmable controllers. 


What's more, you can control it manually using a remote or use the self-drive mode, which allows the machine to operate on its own without human control.


Yet, you may ask, Does it do the same things other vacuum cleaners do? The answer is yes; the Roomba works the same way other vacuum cleaners work. 




They rely on sensors to move through your home. The sensors also help in obstacle avoidance. More advanced models have forward-facing sensors or infrared laser sensors to identify furniture.


In contrast, the cheaper ones need you to use physical strips that the vacuum will use to move around the room and sense where not to vacuum.


It uses several sensors to navigate around the rooms. The appliance uses different brushes to swipe and gather dust. After that, it stores everything it collects in a removable dust box or container.


Low Maintenance


No one likes an appliance that makes them dry in the name of maintenance. The good news is the Roomba requires minimal supervision, unlike old vacuums, because it is built with quality materials. 


Nevertheless, your floor must be free from barriers and other messes that might cause harm to the device.




More expensive brands have automatic emptying docking stations, which require emptying after some weeks. But for the rest of the brands, you have to do the emptying manually.




Some vacuums switch between mopping and vacuuming. They even change their water dock.


Ease of Use


There are numerous benefits to having robot vacuum cleaners. One of which is that they are very easy to operate. The appliance virtually works on its own. Your role is to program it to clean a specific area, set its timer, and place it on the floor. 


Operate With Smartphone


The other benefit is that it doesn't require you to drive it around during the cleaning process. 


You can use your smartphone to give it commands and start the cleaning work. And the best part is it reaches and cleans even the tightest spots because of its compact size.



That's all about the perks of this device. Yet, you might wonder how you can go about choosing a good Roomba.


Things to Look For In a Good Robot Vacuum Cleaner


There are several factors you should consider when choosing a good robot vacuum. 




The first is setting a budget. Good devices don't come cheap. Thus, it would help determine what amount to spend on buying a robot vacuum cleaner.


Noise Making


Also, think about the noise of the device. Try to look for a robot vacuum cleaner with a low noise level to avoid being disturbed as it cleans.


But if you plan on stepping out every time the cleaning is happening, noise levels should not be a major concern.


Floor Type


The types of floor you plan on using your device on will determine which model you should go for because not all devices will function well on all floor types.



A Complete Review of the iRobot I7 Roomba Vacuum Cleaner



1. Design


A device's functionality alone is not enough. There's a need for it to have enhanced aesthetics. And the Roomba i7 truly leaves up to this expectation. 


Following the norm, it is circular in design with a 13.34 diameter and a 3.63 height. 


Guided by its serious vSLAM navigation, you can rest assured your cleaning will get done efficiently. The Roomba i7 learns your home's layout and uses it to build a personal map that enables it to navigate in rows.


With the iRobot Roomba, you can kiss stubborn dirt a farewell because it has a powerful pick-up suction that pulls stubborn dirt.


Do you often find dirt under your kitchen table? No problem! The iRobot can get that cleaned for you. And all you have to do is issue a voice request using your voice assistant or via the iRobot App.


The device gives you complete control of your cleaning with its smart mapping. The robot knows and understands your rooms, and it can tell them apart.


You can easily decide where and when it should start cleaning. Besides, it is also easy to keep the robot out of certain zones in your home.


The Romba i7 robot vacuum learns the areas and times you normally clean. Because of this, it can suggest personalized routines.


Its multi-surface rubber brushes do not get tangled with pet hair making it ideal for homes with pets.


In short, vacuuming and mopping occur automatically and simultaneously, giving your floors the desired clean.


One of the most interesting things about this device is its ability to keep getting smart. The hardware is made so that it can help you access future upgrades.


The iRobot Roomba is compatible with a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal. That means it can empty its dust cup on its own.     


2. Pros and Cons


The device's smart mapping is one of its biggest advantages. This device can tell your kitchen and living room apart and knows to avoid sensitive areas with its Keep Out of Zones feature.


Its tangle-free brush gives pet lovers peace of mind since they know their pet's fur won't get stuck in the vacuum brush.


You've got to love the device's ability to suggest personalized schedules because this means your device can clean without you even lifting a finger.


A voice command issued via Amazon Alex and Google assist will get your device to start running. 


Its iRobot home App is also a plus. Using your smartphone, you can control your smart home cleaner. Moreover, its high suction power removes even the toughest dirt.


Yet, one of the disadvantages of this unit is its small dustbin. Surely a device this smart should have had a bigger dustbin. The other disadvantage is the price, which is on the higher side.


3. Accessories & Parts


The iRobot Roomba i7 comes with a 1 A battery. It also comes with 1 extra high-performance filter, 1 North American Line Cord, and 1 Extra Side Brush.


4. Maintenance


Maintaining this device will not cost you an arm and a leg. Use a brush to clean the filters and a clean cloth to clean the rest of the vacuum.


For your dust container, clean it with water and then air dry it.


5. Review


In as much as it is pricey, the iRobot Roomba i7 robot vacuum cleaner is one of the best models of its brand.


Its features are no doubt the best. That's because it has smart mapping, voice assist, personalized schedules, a smartphone App, and a simultaneous vacuuming and mopping feature. 


It even gives room to access to future advancements. What more could one ask for in a smart home cleaner?


6. Price


It is available at $550 on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms.


Is the iRobot Roomba I7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Worth Buying?



Between its smart mapping tech, digital voice assistant, and the ability to create personalized cleaning schedules, the iRobot i7 is worth every penny.


If you are willing to dig deep into your pockets, by all means, place this device on your top choice robot vacuum list.


But, if you are looking for a smart floor cleaner that offers the same features and more at a lower price, consider the Proscenic 850T.


The Proscenic 850T offers a more affordable alternative while giving you many more features. Its runtime is 2 hours, more than the i7, which only goes up to 75 minutes.




The iRobot Roomba i7 robot vacuum cleaner is one of the best models available in the market. It has many great features that make it stand out, like; smart mapping and high suction power, which help you clean and pull stubborn dirt.


If you like to go big and do not mind your pocket, we highly recommend the i7 for you, and best believe you will get value for your money. 


The Proscenic 850T is another top brand with some of the great features the i7 offers.


The features the Proscenic 850T offers are equally good. And for much less amount, you can relish the great qualities the Proscenic 850T has to offer.

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