My experiences with M8pro
My experiences with M8pro
2022/04/17 18:39

To say it in advance: I cannot understand the many positive tests in various forums and internet posts! But in detail:
First the positive: the vacuum cleaner sucks quite well and the automatic emptying in the base works great!
The many negatives, which admittedly can be traced back to the APP:
The robot is supposed to clean a household with different coverings, kitchen with PVC, long hallway with carpet and tiles, bathroom with tiles and living room with carpet.
And that's where it starts: How does the automatic carpet recognition that the device is supposed to have work? Everything is either vacuumed ONLY or wiped ONLY. This means that if the wiping mode is used, the carpet is also wiped. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine through the partitions that e.g. only the kitchen and bathroom are wiped. Wipe mode is always global.
No sign of carpet detection!
Furthermore, it should be noted in the wiping mode that the amount of water should not be set too high. Because of the wetness, it happened to me that the robot's wheels spun on a small edge.
In addition, the device leaks slightly. The mop also gets wet when the robot is not in use.
So be careful, especially when charging at the base station, that the floor is not damaged!
The suction power during normal vacuuming is reasonably OK, but here I notice that the device sometimes keeps a very large distance from the wall. The first round is driven parallel to the wall, but when the vacuum cleaner then cleans the entire surface, the distance to the wall is always quite large. As a result, the tracks are not always overlapping.
In my case, it happened several times that the vacuum cleaner simply left out some areas of the room or entire rooms or drove past the room in question. Although there were no obstacles in the way or restricted areas are set!
It only helped to rebuild the whole map. Not a nice job if you have to re-enter the partitions etc. every time....
Nicely, you can determine whether individual partitions should be vacuumed once or twice.
However, this does not work when purifying globally! Then it is basically only sucked through once.
As has often been described, I have not found a way to clean different floors with the vacuum cleaner.
The only possibility is actually to learn a card and then take it over again from the respective cleaning reports. There has to be a better way!

I don't want to go into detail about the suction power or the handling here. This has been adequately described in other posts.
This report reflects only my experiences of the last 5 months.
Maybe I'm expecting too much? But all the problems described are actually only due to the APP or firmware of the device. I have therefore tried several times to contact the manufacturer by email, but unfortunately never got an answer!
For this reason alone, you should refrain from using the device.

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